Neighborhood Map (Digital Bundle)

  • Neighborhood Map (Digital Bundle)

Are you curious about the worlds beyond the gates? Have you been chosen for an Away Mission and want to look extra cool? Then it's time to hit the books! With the help of our handy-dandy Neighborhood Map, you'll be sure to impress even the frosty Director Kido when you start listing planet nations like no tomorrow.

Included in this bundle:
✩ Digital PDF


Not eligible for add-ons, early bird, stretch goal, or share goal items.


This is a PRE-ORDER listing. All provided images are digital mock-ups and may not be representative of the final printed products. Production will only begin after the end of the pre-order period, and is estimated to take 4-5 months. Shipping is currently expected to take place in Winter 2023. If there are any delays, our social media accounts will be updated as soon as possible in order to keep customers informed. Once shipping begins, you will be notified of your shipment by email.

All digital goods will be sent electronically at the time physical orders are shipped.